Styles allow you to manage your text fonts for Text zones, Product Tables and Event Tables within the Layout Designer.
Font files can be added the the ‘Asset Library’ by clicking on the ‘Upload Media‘ tab. TTF font files are recommend:
Once the font has been added to the Asset Library, they will then be available from the style properties.
Free Font Sites:
Text Styles
1) When adding a Text to your layout, you’ll notice that when you click in the zone a mini toolbar will popup at the top of the zone.
2) Click on the ‘S’ icon to open the Styles library:
Create a new style by clicking on the ‘Create New’ button:
Or manage existing styles by clicking on the properties icon:
Product Table Styles
When adding or managing styles for your product table, you will need to double-click anywhere in the product zone to open the product table properties window (this window automatically opens when you add a new product table from the toolbar).
1) Click on the cell you would like to change the style for (Name, Price, Description; etc.)
2) Click the ‘Cell Style‘ to open the Styles library:
Create a new style by clicking on the ‘Create New’ button:
Or manage existing styles by clicking on the properties icon:
Quick tip: Copying Styles
Styles are universal. Any changes you make to a style will also change any other layouts that might be sharing that style. You will need to create a new style and name it specifically for the layout.
Any style can be copied by first opening the style, clicking on the properties icon, closing the style properties and then clicking the ‘Create New’ button. This will copy all the information from the last style you had open.
Change the description of the style so that it is easy to locate from the list. If the style is unique to a layout, you could include the name of the layout so that you know this style will be unique to this layout: